We are your partners from strategy design to the implementation of logistics and supply chain projects.


Master Plan

We diagnose to transform. We thoroughly analyze the client's supply chain to assess the maturity level of processes and propose improvements to capture financial and service gains. 

What we do:  

» Detailed understanding of the current process. 

» Maturity analysis against benchmarking. 

» Identification of gaps and opportunities. 

» Definition of governance model, structure, and responsibilities. 

» Development of a roadmap with prioritized actions and projects. 

» Formulation of the transformation plan. 

Logistics and Tax Network

Leveraging cutting-edge technology to design your logistics and tax network, we bring your vision of the future to life by developing operational strategies that encompass expansion planning and optimizing the location, size, and capacity of logistics facilities. 

What we do:  

» Development of future scenario strategies. 

» Analysis of logistics barycenters. 

» Identification of alternatives for Supply Chain and Logistics Network. 

» Analysis of gains based on different profitability scenarios. 

» Optimization of facility locations (Factories, Distribution Centers, Transit Points, Cross Docking). 

Go to Market

Reassessing how the company reaches its consumers, considering channels, regions, products, and categories, and identifying characteristics, needs, and opportunities for redefining the sales model and expanding the business.  

What we do:  

» Internal Information: Diagnosis of performance by product, channel, and region, as well as cost-to-serve analysis. 

» External Information: Market opportunity research by region, market share, distribution, and perceptions. 

» Integrated diagnosis with opportunities. 

» Definition of criteria for customer segmentation and respective service strategy. 

» Mathematical modeling of the current situation to evaluate financial scenarios and operational results. 

» Economic and financial feasibility analysis for investments. 

» Recommendation for opening channels, stores, and products. 

» Action plan to achieve expected results. 

Omnichannel Journey

Selecting which channels, service alternatives, and supply and delivery strategies will be offered to consumers, both for retail and industry. 

What we do:  

» Internal Information: Diagnosis of performance by product, channel, and region, as well as cost-to-serve analysis. 

» External Information: Market opportunity research by region, market share, distribution, and perceptions. 

» Integrated diagnosis with opportunities. 

» Definition of criteria for customer segmentation and respective service strategy. 

» Mathematical modeling of the current situation to evaluate financial scenarios and operational results. 

» Economic and financial feasibility analysis for investments. 

» Recommendation for opening channels, stores, and products. 

» Action plan to achieve expected results. 

Cross-border consultancy

We help connect your company at a global level. By providing support in obtaining authorization and implementing courier import and export operations compliant with the "Remessa Conforme" program of the Federal Revenue Service, we enable your participation in international e-commerce.    

What we do:  

» Selection, connection, and contracting with courier partners in approved locations.  

» Design of international operational activities. 

» Advisory for proper packaging of courier shipments.  

» Assistance in preparing shipment forecasts with airport authorities and the Federal Revenue Service (RFB).  

» Operational plan for joint inspection processes with the RFB.  

» Ensuring technical, systemic, and documentary requirements for the authorization process.  

» Assisting in presenting customs projects to the RFB Inspection Office.  

» Submitting preliminary studies, draft projects, and lists of documents for approval to customs area authorization with the RFB.  

» Publication of the ADE – Executive Declaratory Act of Customs Clearance. 

Make or Buy analysis

What is the most suitable transportation model for your business? We evaluate the best transportation model, whether dedicated or fractional, tailored to your needs. 

 What we do:  

» Survey of routes and identification of frequency and volume. 

»Cost assessment for fleet and freight tables. 

»Route-specific model comparison. 

»Complementary and tax analysis. 

»Quantitative analysis related to risks, opportunities, and location. 


S&OP Planning and Cycle

We develop or revise the integrated sales and operations planning model to achieve the company's strategic objectives. 

What we do:  

» Mapping of Current Process and Supply Chain Constraints.  

» Review of Demand and Market Planning Model.  

» Financial Scenario Simulation Modeling for Decision Making.  

» Development of an Integrated and Synchronized Planning Model/Process. 

System and 3PL Selection

We select the operational or management system that best aligns with the client's operations, developing an implementation plan in partnership with suppliers.  

What we do:  

» Mapping of current processes (as is). 

» Design of the future process (to be). 

» Definition of functional requirements for the future process (to be). 

» Preparation of RFX (RFI, RFP, RFQ). 

» Analysis of alignment of supplier proposals. 

» Technical support in commercial negotiations. 

» Alignment of adherence vs. financial considerations. 

» Technical support in contract drafting. 

Transportation Bid

Achieve optimal cost-effectiveness for your operations. We evaluate and reduce freight expenses without compromising quality by conducting transportation bids in any mode (LTL, FTL, Last Mile, Courier, etc.)

What we do:  

» Definition of the most suitable freight rate model for the client. 

» Identification of the most advantageous carriers to reduce freight expenses. 

» Alignment of commercial negotiations in conjunction with the client. 

» Conducting price assessments with new and existing carriers. 

» Evaluation of technological integration needs, cargo insurance, and security requirements. 

Transportation Network

We assess and define the transportation network, optimizing collection, delivery, and transfer processes. We also identify the ideal locations for branches and the appropriate fleet topology

What we do:  

» Understanding the business dynamics, requirements, assumptions, and constraints. 

» Data collection and understanding of the current logistics network. 

» Future scenario strategies and expansion plan. 

» Analysis of logistic barycenters. 

» Gain analysis, recommendations, and implementation plan. 

Fleet Sizing

We determine the optimal mix of in-house and outsourced fleets (partners, carriers, etc.), as well as the appropriate vehicle typology. 

 What we do:  

» Collection of operational and financial data from the current operation (baseline cost). 

» Frequency analysis (assessment of alignment with dedicated services). 

» Study of the most adherent fleet typology. 

» Evaluation of the tendering model (cargo offering). 

» Sensitivity analysis considering quantitative and qualitative aspects. 

» Assessment of alignment of the 3PL profile (partners, carriers, etc.) with the operation. 

Customer Centricity

We define and implement the best customer service model (post-sales), considering the optimization of their experience.  

 What we do:  

» Understanding of the current client service landscape. 

» Identification of client clustering and prioritization models. 

» Evaluation of existing management systems and KPIs. 

» Development of the future process (to be) and responsibility matrix (RACI model). 

» Definition of tools and security model. 

» Creation of an implementation plan. 


Restructuring and Governance

We restructure the management model of a logistics or supply chain area or process, tailored to the client's specific needs.  

 What we do:  

» Assessment of the organizational structure, gaps, and current governance model. 

» High-level development of the future process (to be) with support of the RACI matrix. 

» Redefinition of KPIs, Meetings, Rituals, Forums, and their stakeholders. 

» Elaboration of an organizational chart with roles and main requirements for job assignments. 

» Development of the Communication and Risk Plans. 

Control Tower

It is a centralized hub equipped with technology, organization, and processes that can capture and utilize data from the entire supply chain to guide decision-making.  

What we do:  

» Analysis of the current process and identification of control points. 

» Creation of the integration process between systems for monitoring. 

» Design of the data management model and workflow for decision-making. 

PMO | Implementation

We establish a Project Management Office (PMO) to ensure the proper implementation and transformation of processes, based on PMBOK principles.   

What we do:  

» Preparation, detailing, and signing of the Project Charter.  

» Establishment of management routines (meetings, organizational charts, responsibility matrices, Steering Committee, etc.).  

» Schedule Establishment and Management.  

» Identification, monitoring, and management of risks.  

» Economic and Financial Management (S-Curve). 

Interim Management

We take on a temporary role in managing an operation, area, or company with the objectives of stabilization, training new leadership, or preparing for a future sale of the company. 

How We Do It: 

» Analysis of the current scenario. 

» Establishment of goals and SLA agreements.  

» Development of an Implementation Plan.  

» Team implementation and operation management.  

» Establishment of Checkpoints with Committee. 


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